Michigan’s Aggregate Producers Recognized at Annual MAA Awards Night

Michigan’s Aggregate Producers Recognized at Annual MAA Awards Night
April 21, 2017
April 21, 2017
Douglas E. Needham, P.E., MAA President
517-381-1732 or dneedham@miagg.org
Michigan’s Aggregate Producers Recognized at Annual MAA Awards Night
LANSING, MI – The Michigan Aggregates Association recently honored aggregate producers during their inaugural annual Awards ceremony.
On April 20, various producers and guests gathered at the Country Club of Lansing to recognize those companies that over the past year, received “Zero MSHA Recordable Injuries in 2016” as well as those companies that “exemplify a commitment to environmental compliance in their daily operations.”
The MAA Awards Program recognizes outstanding efforts of aggregate producers that go above and beyond of what is standard practice in the industry and sets a standard for others to follow.
“This program serves as a reminder about the dedication and effort to safety and environmental stewardship that is embedded in the aggregate industry and allows for an avenue to celebrate and appreciate the efforts of the many men and women that work in our industry, “said Doug Needham, PE, MAA President.
The following thirteen producers were honored with a 2017 MAA Safety Award for having “Zero MSHA Recordable Injuries in 2016”:
• Aggregate Resources
• Carr Brothers & Sons
• Edw. C. Levy Co.
• Elmer’s Crane and Dozer, Inc.
• F.G. Cheney Limestone Co.
• Great Lakes Aggregates
• Halliday Sand & Gravel, Inc.
• Mid Michigan Materials
• R. Smith & Sons, Inc.
• Rieth-Riley Construction Company, Inc.
• Stoneco of Michigan
• U.S. Silica
• Valley View Quarry
The following nine producers were honored with a 2017 MAA Environmental Awards for exemplifying a commitment to environmental compliance in their daily operations:
• Carmeuse Lime and Stone
• Edw. C. Levy Co.
• Great Lakes Aggregates
• Great Lakes Mineral Works, LLC
• Mid Michigan Materials
• Recycled Aggregates, LLC
• Rock Recyclers, LLC
• Stoneco of Michigan
• U.S. Silica
The Michigan Aggregates Association is Michigan’s leading voice and advocate for the aggregates industry. Our members who represent stone, sand, gravel, recycled products and slag producers along with the equipment manufacturers and service providers are responsible for the production and delivery of essential raw materials used in our homes, buildings, roads, bridges and public works projects. The MAA provides unity among our members for a variety of daily operations and promotes high and ethical business standards that are both environmentally sound and safe. Our members work with local communities and various youth groups to inform them about the many uses and benefits provided by this natural resource.