Sylvania Minerals and Wildlife

In 2022, Sylvania Minerals partnered with a local bee keeper, King Honey Farm to place multiple hives on the quarry property. The honey produced from the hives was donated to the local community. We continued with the honey bees in 2023. Four honey bee hives were brought to the Sylvania Minerals Quarry. Each hive started with 10,000 bees per hive. Throughout the summer to hives grew and expanded ending the season with over 400,000 honey bees in each hive.
Honey bees are an essential part of our environment and food production. They are responsible for nearly 80% of the pollination of the fruits, vegetables and seed crops in the U.S and over a third of the world’s food production depends on honey bees.
The honey, which provides many health benefits especially when consumed from a local area, was donated to the surrounding community and to participants in our annual 5K run.
Sylvania Minerals also put up 20 nesting boxes (every 100’) along the southern end of the property along Ready Road. The nesting boxes not only attract native species and song birds, but improves their population. With the nesting boxes located in close proximity to the local road, it gives the community an opportunity to enjoy the birds.